Lincoln's Notes

Monads And Monad Transformers With Scala's Cats Library

What is a Monad?

Monad is a "functional design pattern" that allows "chaining" of operations. Functor is similar design pattern that does something similar. I have covered Functors in an earlier post. In this post we will emphasize the "chaining" aspect of Monads. We will also avoid the the use of "for comprehension" syntax so as to highlight how the Monad design pattern supports chaining in various circumstances. i.e. error handling while chaining(Option, Either), passing "global" information to components of the chain (State), logging each of the components in the chain (Writer), etc.

Function Composition/Chaining

Consider the following 3 functions.

  def removeWhitespace(str:String):String= str.trim

  //Given a string in yyyy/mm/dd format, return the year as int
  def extractYear(str:String):Int = Integer.parseInt(str.split("/")(0))

  def olderThan18(birthYear:Int):Boolean = - birthYear >= 18

The functions could be composed/chained as follows

    def eligibleToVote(str:String) = olderThan18(extractYearFromDateString(removeWhitespace(str)))


    def eligibleToVote(str:String) = removeWhiteSpace andThen extractYeareFromDateString andThen olderThan18 


   def eligibleTovote(str:String) = olderThan18 compose extractYearFromDateString compose removeWhiteSpace

Another way is to use map from a Functor

  def eligibleToVote(dateString:String):Boolean = Option(dateString).

We could have used a List instead of an Option:

  def eligibleToVote(dateString:String):Boolean = List(dateString).

And finally, the composition can be invoked as follows:

  val result = eligibleToVote("2222/11/22")

There is one issue that we have not discussed yet. How are errors handled? If one of the intermediate functions in the chain is not able to process its data, how should it behave? Consider the following invocation of our composition:

     val result = eligibleToVote("/11/22")

We know that extractYearFromDateString will not be able to successfully produce a valid output. Integer.parseInt will throw an NumberFormatException!

Is there a better way to handle errors in the chain?

One option would be for the function to return some error code.

Suppose exractYearFromDateString(str:String) returns an error code, say -1. The function that receives the code (olderThan18()) will need to handle this special input.

For some functions , it might not even be possible to return an error code at all!

For e.g., consider a function def parseInt(str:String):Int. Such a function has no valid Int error code. Let us see how this is resolved in a much better way by using the Monad Design Pattern.

The Monad Design Pattern

Monads is a design pattern that allows chaining of functions. Of the many benefits that are made available by the Monad Design Pattern, we will analyse the chaining with error handling feature first. Later on, we will see that the same design pattern can be molded in many ways to provide dependency injection, state management, logging in a multi threaded environment, and much more.

We saw how Functor(i.e. map()) can be used to chain functions. With Monads the chaining has a slightly different syntax.

In order to use the Monad design pattern, some adjustments have to be made to our code. A function in the chain that earlier returned Int will now have to return Option[Int]. To indicate an error condition, the return values will be None. We are using Option Monad for out analysis.

If we want to use List instead, then our function will have to return List[Int] on success, and Nil on failure.

Let us take a look at how the code will have to be adapted.

  def removeWhitespace(dateString:String):Option[String]= ???

  //* Given a string in yyyy/mm/dd format, return the year as int
  def extractYearFromDateString(str:String):Option[Int] =  {
    if (true) //if we are able to extract year successfully, we will return Option(yearInt)
      None // Error condition. None is a subclass of Option

  def olderThan18(year:Int):Option[Boolean] = - year

The functions are chained with flatMap()

  def birthYearAfter2000(dateString:Option[String]):Boolean = dateString.

Lets go through all the changes that were made to our code.

  • An Option is being used. Option is just a Container. We could have used List instead, or any other Covariant Generic Container.
  • Every function that earlier returned Type A has been modified to return Option[A]
  • On success, the function returns Option[A], on failure it returns None. None is a subclass of Option. This is very important to note.
  • Calls to map have been replaced by calls to flatMap

None is the error code that is passed along the chain. If any of the functions in the chain fail, we will get a None else we will get a Option[A] with the final result. It will be interesting to see how and why flatMap() works!

Implementing A Container With flatMap()

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In the above example, we used the Option Monad.

We will try to define a homegrown Monad from scratch that will allow us to chain functions and handle errors gracefully.

First, we define the most basic Generic Container with the flatMap method: If the +A is making you squeamish, please read my earlier post on Generics to understand why we use +A instead of just A.

  trait Container[+A] {

    def flatMap[B](f:A=>Container[B]):Container[B]

Note that the flatMap method returns Container[B]. Any class that has a method with a signature similar to flatMap is a Monad. Let us see how we can implement this method to provide chaining along with graceful handling of intermediate errors. The chained functions can have 2 possible return values.

  • On success, the function returns a Container subclass with the computed value
  class GoodContainer[+A](val data:A) extends Container[A] {

    override def flatMap[B](f:A=>Container[B]):Container[B] = f(data)

  • and on failure, function returns another subclass of Container. Let us call it ErrorContainer
  class ErrorContainer[+A] extends Container[A] {

    override def flatMap[B](f: A => Container[B]): Container[B] = new ErrorContainer[B]


Lets discuss the flatMap implementation in both the sub classes of Container.

Actually, the flatMap of the ErrorContainer is more interesting. It does not do anything with the supplied function f! This is because once an error is generated in a function chain, the rest of the chain just propagates the error.

The flatMap in the GoodContainer actually applied the function. The application can result in another GoodContainer or an ErrorContainer And the next function in the chain will be invoked on this GoodContainer via its flatMap method.

The chains can be built as below:

  val success = true

  def chainable1(i:Int):Container[Int] = if(success) new GoodContainer(100) else new ErrorContainer

  def chainable2(i:Int):Container[Int] = if(success) new GoodContainer(100) else new ErrorContainer

  val resultOfChaining:Int = new GoodContainer(1).flatMap(chainable1).flatMap(chainable2).getOr(3)

The 'resultOfChaining' can either be a GoodContainer or an ErrorContainer It makes sense to add a getOr method to Container to retrieve the final value from the chain!

    def getOr[B>:A](v: B): B = ???

Again, if the B>:A notation is not familiar, I would suggest going through an earlier post on Generics

Monads in Cats

In Cats, the Monad Type Class is declared as follows:

trait Monad[F[_]] {

  def pure[A](value: A): F[A]

  def flatMap[A, B](value: F[A])(func: A => F[B]): F[B]

pure is a Monad Constructor. Every monad is expected to provide the ability to create new instances. The F[_] syntax implies that this Type Class is applicable to Generic Types with a single Type argument like List[T], and Set[T]. We could make our Container a instance of the Cats Monad Type Class

class ContainerV2[+A](val item:A)

val monadInstanceForContainer = new Monad[ContainerV2] {

  override def flatMap[A, B](fa: ContainerV2[A])(f: A => ContainerV2[B]): ContainerV2[B] = f(fa.item)

  override def tailRecM[A, B](a: A)(f: A => ContainerV2[Either[A, B]]): ContainerV2[B] = ???

  override def pure[A](x: A): ContainerV2[A] = new ContainerV2(x)

As usual, Cats provides Monad instances for many of Scala Standard Library Classes. Some of these instances may be redundant because classes like Option , List, etc already have flatMap defined. To become part of the Cats Monad Type Class, we will also have to implement tailRecM. I will try to cover tailRec in another post.

Monad Flavours In Cats

Every Monad has a flatMap method. In the case of Option and our Container we see how flatMap has been implemented to support Error Handling. It turns out that flatMap can be repurposed to achieve various other goals. We will see later in this post how flatMap can be given a completely different flavour totally unrelated to Error Handling.

Let us take a look at a few of the Monad flavours.

The Id Monad

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We saw that the Option monad provides graceful error handling while chaining function.

What functionality does the Id monad provide to help with function chaining.

The answer is nothing! The Id monad does not really do anything. It allows us to treat ordinary literals like "1", 2, "hello" , 33.3 as Monads.

It does not seem very useful at first glance. We will find its utility when we wade deeper into functional programming. In certain situations, we have have functions that take a Monad as parameter. The Id Monad will allow us to invoke those functions on ordinary types like Int, String, etc but converting these types to a Monad.

For now, lets see how to create and use the cats.Id monad.

  val i:cats.Id[Int] = 22

  val j = 33:cats.Id[Int]

  val k:cats.Id[Int] = cats.Monad[Id].flatMap(i){x:Int => 33} 

Note that the flatMap signature seems to be very similar to map. The function taken in by flatMap should have returned Id[Int]. It is returning Int instead.

It works because the way Id is defined. type Id[A] = A

Either - Get More Info About Error In A Chain


Either is very similar to Option. Option allows us to chain function and handle intermediate errors. Either provides more information about the error.

Either is provided in the Scala Standard Library. The Cats library provides additional helper methods.

  val f1 = (x:Int) => Right(x + 1)

  val f2 = (x:Int) => Right(x + 2)

  val f3_cannot_process_input = (x:Int) => Left("Error")

  val f3 = (x:Int) => Right(x + 3)

  val chain = Right(1).flatMap(f1).flatMap(f2).flatMap(f3_cannot_process_input).flatMap(f3)

  val defaultOnError = -1

  val chainResult = chain.getOrElse(defaultOnError)

Cats provides utility and helper methods


Eval - Eager, And Lazy Evaluation Of Chain Components

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Eval again allows us to chain functions.
We need to emphasize that Eval has same signature as Option and Either i.e. Eval[Int] it has a flatMap method that takes Int and returns Eval[Int]. However, unlike Option and Either, Eval has nothing to do with error handling.

What Eval provides us is the ability to chain functions that have varying evaluation characteristics. Let us see an example to see what this means.

  val now = {

    print("m1. Evaluating 'now' at definiton time. Once and for all!")

    val a = 100

    val b = 100

    a + b

  val later = Eval.later {

    print("m2. Evaluating 'later'. When first called!")

    val c = 100

    val d = 100

    c + d

  val always = Eval.always {

    print("m3. Evaluating 'always', again, and again, and again ...")

    val e = 100

    val f = 100

    e + f

  val result = now.flatMap(i=>later.flatMap(j=>> i+j+k)))


  println("first call", result.value)


  println("second call", result.value)


  println("third call", result.value)

"m1" will be printed just once when val now = ... is defined.

"m2" will be printed just once when result.value is invoked in the "first call"

"m3" will be printed thrice, at "first call", "second call", and "third call". is like val. Eval.later is like lazy val. Eval.always is like def

Writer - Log Info For Every Function In The Chain

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Writer Monad passes along a "log" along with the result value. In a multi threaded applications, logs of various threads get mixed up. One solution is to have a thread id with every log message. Another solution is to carry along the log with the data that is being computed and get the final result and all the log associated with the data in one place.

Let us see how that would work.


  val applyHolidayDiscount = (price:Double) => Writer(List(s"applying holiday discount 2% off ${price} => ${price*0.98}"), price*0.98)

  val applyingEmployeeDiscount = (price:Double) => Writer(List(s"applying employee discount 3% off ${price} => ${price * 0.97}"), price * 0.97 )

  val applyingMembershipDiscount = (price:Double) => Writer(List(s"applying membership discount 2% off ${price} => ${price * 0.98}"), price * 0.98 )

  val startPrice = Writer(List("Start price is 1000"), 1000d)

  val discountedPrice = Writer(List("Processing start price of 1000"), 1000.0).

  //cap off discount to 90% of start price

  val finalPrice = discountedPrice.flatMap(
    dp => startPrice.flatMap(

      sp => {

        if(dp > 0.9 * sp)

          Writer(List("Capping discount to 90%"), sp*0.9)


          Writer(List("Discount price approved!"), dp)
  finalPrice.value // the final value

  finalPrice.written // the log

Monad Cost

Every composition using flatMap results in the creation of another Monad instance! This cost has to be kept in mind while chaining functions with monads.

Reader Monad

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The Monads that we have seen till now are quite similar. They carry along the result(or error) along a chain and maybe some extra information as well. For e.g. Option carries along the result or an error indication. Either carries along the result or error and more info about the error. Writer carries along Log information. This may lead us to believe that that it all there is to a Monad pattern. The Reader and State Monads will show that there are other ways flatMap can be implemented.

Like other monads, the Reader Monad has flatMap and can be chained, but it has nothing to do with carrying around error information along the chain. Instead, it carries around a Reader.

Let us see how that works with an example. Suppose we have two functions that have income as an input parameter:

  val income = 99999
  // funtion 1 has a input dependecy on income
  def stateTax(income:Int):Double = income * 0.1

  // function 2 also has a input dependency on income
  def federalTax(income:Int):Double =  income * 0.01

How can we combine these two functions to produce another function that takes income as an input parameter? The straight forward way would be to create a third function:

  // 1. Combining two function having same dependency without Reader
  def combineBothFunctionsWithoutReader(income:Int) = {

    val stateTax = stateTax(income)

    val federalTax = federalTax(income)

     stateTax + federalTax
  print("Combine Without Reader", combineBothFunctionsWithoutReader(INCOME))

Reader Monad allows us to combine these two functions to create another function that takes the same input parameter

  // 2. Combining two function having same dependency using Reader
  val incomeReaderForStateTax = Reader(stateTax)

  val incomeReaderForFederalTax = Reader(federalTax)

  val  combineBothFunctionsWithReader = incomeReaderForStateTax.flatMap(stateTax =>

    incomeReaderForFederalTax.flatMap(federalTax =>

      Reader((costPrice:Int)=> salesTax + federalTax))))

  print("Combine With Reader",

We are combining/chaining two functions that both depend on income, to yield another function that also depends on income Readers can also be used to combine functions that do not have the same input parameter. See my comment herelinke to stack overslow


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Object Oriented Programming has syntactic constructs to gather data and the functions that act on that data in one place. That is what classes are. In Functional Programming, functions and data are kept separate. We prefer functions to be Pure, with no state and side effects.

In certain situations, however, we need to parcel the data with the functions that act on the data.

We want to pass on the data from function to function. State Monad allows us to do that.


 val firstFunction = (s:Int) => (s+1, 1)
 val secondFunction = (s:Int) => (s+2, 1)
 val thirdFunction = (s:Int) => (s+3, 1)

 val a = State(firstFunction)
 val b = State(secondFunction)
 val c = State(thirdFunction)

 a.flatMap(as => b.flatMap(bs => cs => s"final State ${cs}")))

Special Syntax For Monads In Scala

This post emphasises the "chaining" aspect of Monads. We have tried to make the chains explicit.

Scala provides another syntax that makes the chain more readable. This is the for comprehension syntax.

  val optionOne = Option(1)
  val optionTwo = Option(2)
  val result1 = optionOne.flatMap(o1Value => => o1Value + o2Value))
  val result2 = for {
    o1Value <- optionOne
    o2Value <- optionTwo
  } yield o1Value + o2Value

Monad Transformers

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Once we start using Monads extensively, we sometimes end up with "nested" Monads. For e.g., we may end up with Option[Option[String]], or List[Option[String]], or Either[Option[String]]

Although they look different, all 3 types mentioned above represent a String encapsulated by various "contexts"

Monad Transformers makes it easier to work with these types of nested monads. Let us see how this works.

import cats.implicits._

  val resultOne:Either[String, Option[Int]] = Right(Option(1))
  val resultTwo:Either[String, Option[Int]] = Right(Option(2))

  val result =
    for {
    r1 <- OptionT(resultOne)

    r2 <- OptionT(resultTwo)

  } yield r1 + r2



To become effective functional programmers we need to understand why Monads are useful and how they work. This post tries to explore some of Monads made available to us in the Cats library.


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