Lincoln's Notes

Generics and Polymorphism in Java and Scala

Extensible Programming With Polymorphism

As programmers, we strive to write extensible code.

Adding new features should be easy. Modifying existing behaviour should be easier.

OO Programming provides 2 main tools to write extensible and maintainable programs:

  • [x] Enacpsulation Bundling data and methods together
  • [x] Polymorphism Extending program behaviour with Specialized Sub Classes

In OOP, specialized sub classes are plugged into polymorphic functions to extend program behaviour. How this core facility of polymorphism is affected by Generics is the study of this article.

We can summarize the core polymorphic function design pattern as follows:

First, we design the program using polymorphic functions: In the example below, polymorphicFunction is an example. It takes an instance of Engine. By ensuring that our function can work with various Engines, we have tried to make the program extensible.

interface Engine {

     int  start()

     int stop() 

class DieselEngine implements Engine {


public class Main {

    void polymorphicFunction(Engine someEngine) {



    public static void main(String [] args) {

        Engine engine = PetrolEngine();



Then, to extend this program, we just need to create another Engine specialization

class PetrolEngine implements Engine {

    //Another Specialzation of Engine

    //implement start() and stop() methods

public class Main {

    void polymorphicFuction(Engine someEngine) {



    public static void main(String [] args) {

        Engine anotherEngine = new DieselEngine();


Generics/Containers as another form of Specialisation Management

Polymorphism allows us to handle specialization gracefully. Generics can also be viewed as another form of specialisation management. for e.g. List<String> and List<Int> are specialised forms of List<T>

The specialisation management provided by Generics makes casting redundant and code Type Safe.

So we have two forms of specialisation management:

  • Sub Class based Specialisation and
  • Generics based Specialisation.

It will be interesting to see how these two forms of specialisation interact.

Producer and Consumer Methods

To develop a comprehensive understanding of Generics and its interplay with Sub Class based specialization we will visualize Generics as Containers. Of course, we can have Generics that are not Containers. However, in the context of this post it is useful to explore the Container facet of Generics.

Let's take a look at a generic Generic class

class Container<T> {

    private T instance; 

    public T get() {

        return instance;

    public void put(T newInstance) {

        this.instance =  newInstance;

A Generic Class of Type T can have 3 types of constituents:

  • [ ] Member instances of the Type for e.g. private T instance.
  • [ ] Methods that return Type instances for e.g. public T get(). These are Producer Methods.
  • [ ] Methods that accept Type instance as parameter for e.g. public void put(T newInstance). These are Consumer Methods.

A method could be Producer and Consumer at the same time. A Generic Class may have many other types of methods and instances but for the purpose of our discussion here , these are the 3 main components to consider.

To summarize,

  • Producer methods return instances of Type T i.e. they produce T
  • Consumer methods have parameters of Type T i.e. they consume T

Generics/Containers And Polymorphism

We discussed how polymorphic functions allows us to design extensible programs. Is polymorphism enhanced with the addition of Generics? And what are the potential pitfalls when combining these two features?

Producer Methods In Polymorphic Functions

If there is an inheritance relationship between classes, it would be intuitive to have the same relationships between containers of those classes

Say we have an inheritance hierarchy Organism > Animal > Dog > Husky

It would be great to have Container<Organism> > Container<Animal> > Container<Dog> > Container<Husky>

Then, we could create a polymorphic function that invokes the Producer Method on the container:

public void processMyPolymorphicContainer(Container<Animal> animalContainer) {

    Animal animalFromContainer = animalContainer.get();


This method can be passed an instance of either Container<Animal>, or Container<Dog>, or Container<Husky>

The get() method on each of these containers will yield animal, dog, or husky. Each of these is an animal, so we can always call animalMethod() on these instances. Everything seems to be working nicely and as expected.

The main take away from the analysis till now is that Producer Methods on a container work as expected with the inheritance hierarchy

Note that there is a qualifier that we used: Producer Methods.

Not all methods! Only Producer Methods work as expected with the inheritance hierarchy!

Consumer Methods In Polymorphic Functions

Let us experiment with Consumer Methods in polymorphic functions. Remember, Consumer Methods are those that take a Type instance as parameter.

public void processMyPolymorphicContainer(Container<Animal> animalContainer) {

                     animalContainer.put(new Animal())

The only thing this method does is store an Animal in the animalContainer passed in as parameter. Let us check what containers are possible candidates to be passed to this polymorphic function: We could call:

  • processMyPolymorphicContainer(animalContainer) ... storing Animal in an animalContainer
  • processMyPolymorphicContainer(dogContainer) ☒ ... storing Animal in a dogContainer
  • processMyPolymorphicContainer(huskyContainer) ☒ ... storing Animal in a huskyContainer

The first call is fine. processMyPolymorphicContainer() method will save an Animal instance in the animalContainer. The second and third invocations are a problematic. They will cause an animal to be stored in a dogContainer or a huskyContainer.

Later on, if we do a animalContainer.get() on the same container, we will get an animal from dogContainer. And if we do dogContainer.get().dogMethod(), the get() would have returned a Animal instead of a Dog And calling a dogMethod() on an animal instance is obviously not right.

So, unlike a container's Producer Methods, calling a container's Consumer Methods in a polymorphic function does not work well. Consumer Methods have the ability to corrupt instance variables if used inappropriately in polymorphic functions.

Let us see what happens if we pass containers with super classes of Animal to our polymorphic function.

  • processMyPolymorphicContainer(organismContainer)

The function will store an Animal in the organismContainer. This is fine since Animal is an Organism If we then call organismContainer.get(), it will return an animal which is fine. An Animal is an Organism for all intents and purposes.

The very interesting and unintuitive learning from our experiment is that we can pass containers with super class of Type T to a polymorphic function that invokes the container's Consumer Methods.

Java Notation

Java has a notation to tell the compiler that a polymorphic function will only invoke Producer Methods on the container parameter.

void myPolymorphicFunction(Conatiner<? extends Animal> p) {

    //can call producer methods on container p

In return, the compiler will allow the function to be invoked with Container<Animal>, Container<Dog> , or Container<Husky> i.e. containers having Animal and its subclasses.

What about Consumer Methods on container classes? A function can be annotated as

void myPolymorphicFunction(Container<? super Animal> p) {

   //can call consumer methods on container p

, then the function is allowed to invoke only Consumer Methods on the container and the function can be invoked on containers bearing Animal and its superclasses(Organism)

If a function wants to invoke Producer as well as Consumer Methods on the container, then the function cannot be invoked with containers bearing super or sub classes.


In scala, a container itself has to decide whether it is going to have Producer or Consumer Methods. And, unlike Java, there is no special annotation for polymorphic functions.

A container can have Producer Methods if it is defined as

class Container[+A](val instance:A)

And a container based polymorphic function defined as below with no special annotation
will accept instances of Container[Animal], and Container[Dog], and Container[Husky] since since Husky and Dog are subclasses of Animal

def processMyPolymorphicContainer( animalContainer:Container[Animal])

Similarly, A container can have Consumer Methods if it is defined as follows:

class Container[-A]()

And a container based polymorphic function defined as below(with no special annotation) will accept instances of Container[Animal], and Container[Organism] since Organism is a superclass of Animal.

def processMyPolymorphicContainer( animalContainer:Container[Animal])

A Special Case

A container declared as a Producer can have a Consumer Method if the method parameter Type is a superclass of the container type.

for e.g. a Producer[Dog] can have a Consumer method with param Animal a since Animal is a super Type of Dog.

Such a method will never be able to corrupt Container[Dog] because it can never assign the method parameter instance of Type Animal to the Dog instance that is stored in the container.

Let us see how these kinds of methods can be put to use. Consider this code snippet:

// A Container defined as a Producer 
class ContainerOfPairs[+A](first:A, second:A) {

    // A Producer class having a Consumer Method!
    // A Consumer Method with restrictions on the Parameter Type. 
    // It has to be super type of the Container Type
    def changeFirst[B>:A](to:B): ContainerOfPairs[B] = {

      new ContainerOfPairs(to, second):ContainerOfPairs[B]

The changeFirst[B>:A](to:B) is a Consumer method in a class that is defined as a Producer The method only accepts a superclass of the container Type. It then returns a new container of Type B.

The existing container is not modified. A new container has been created instead. This is a standard pattern we see in may places in the Scala Lib. For e.g.

  val numberList = 1::2::3::Nil
  val stringList = "a"::"b"::"c"::Nil
  val combined:List[Any] = numberList:::stringList

numberList is List[Int], and stringList second is List[String] The ::: method is defined as def :::[B >: A](prefix : scala.collection.immutable.List[B])

Why is the method returning instance of List[Any]?

It is invoked on List[String] and the parameter is of Type List[Int]. Int is not super Type of String , but Int is sub Type of Any and Any is super Type of String. So an List[Any] is returned.

Function Is A Container That Consumes Type P And Produces Type R

We can think of Function/Methods as a container with Producer and Consumer Methods.

Any function can be thought of as a container that consumes a Parameter of Type P and returns a value of Type R.

class FunctioonAsContainer[-ParamType, +ReturnType] {

   def apply(param:ParamType):ReturnType  = throw new Exception("Not implemented!")

Then we can have container based polymorphic functions that take in function containers:

object HelloWorld {

    var intToInt = new FunctionAsContainer[Int,Int]();

    var anyToNothing = new FunctionAsContainer[Any, Nothing]()

    def processPolymorphicContainer(fn:FunctionAsContainer[Int, Int]): Unit = { }

    def main(args: Array[String]) {



The processPolymorphicContainer function requires an Int to Int function. i.e. a function that consumes Int and produces Int Since Any is a super class of Int, the Int consumer can be replaced by an Any consumer. And since Nothing is a sub class of Int, the Int producer can be replaced by a Nothing producer.


We can build a comprehensive understanding of Generics and Polymorphism if we think of Generics as container with Producer and Consumer functions.

Containers that are Producers work well with the regular inheritance hierarchy. They are Co Variant. Containers that are Consumers work with the hierarchy in reverse order. They are Contra Variant. Containers that are neither Producers not Consumers do not work with the inheritance hierarchy at all. They are Invariant.


Covariance and contravariance in Scala

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